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Birth of Sol: Zhane'l Speaks Is A Spiritual Healer + Self Love Coach

Writer's picture: SaharSahar

Tell us a little bit about you. How were you introduced into spiritual healing work?

I grew up in a household with my mom, dad and two little sisters, with me being the oldest. I had an amazing childhood and family was very important, and still is important. I grew up with parents who let me and my sisters be who we wanted to be and they never judged us, not once. We didn't have to fall into their beliefs as long as we were giving out love. I started doing art in 5th grade and knew art is what I wanted to do with my life. I didn't get introduced to spiritual healing after I graduated high school and started exploring life on my own. I had my first tarot reading in college and that's when it all began. I always knew I had a gift to make people feel because I was doing it through my art work, but I didn't know that I was an Earth Angel until after I moved away from home and started discovering myself.

Do you remember what it was like when you came into womanhood? The beginnings of your sacred cycle? Who walked you through it?

Hmm... womanhood happened all at different points in my life. I believe that I went through many different cycles of womanhood and that I am still going through the process. Getting my period for the first time, in 8th grade, was a time I went through womanhood. Or even when I started to grow hair on my body oh and every time my mental process changes I go through womanhood. Also losing my virginity was a step into womanhood and exploring my sexuality. I think that I mostly helped myself with all of these processes, but my mother helped me and also everyone who was around in my space while I was transitioning through all of it.

How do you identify? Let's talk gender vs. sexuality.

I identify as a cisgender black femme, queer woman, who uses the pronouns, her - woman - she - flower - sun. I am somewhere in between the lines of being a pansexual, sexually fluid butterfly, because my sexuality likes to fluctuate. I like who I like when I like, and gender does not matter to me. Although women grasp my attention more, I love every gender. Love is love. & I know that I embody both masculine and feminine energy, with my masculinity sometimes overpowering my femininity.

You have a business called EtherealSOl, tell us about the 'Birth of Sol' what was your divine rebirthing experience?

I am an #artist. I am a creator of photography, #filmmaking, poetry and whatever else that helps me best express myself and my emotions. Three years ago I decided that I was going to move away from home, Minnesota to Arizona. I wanted to move to a place of solitude, a place where I could get away and be by myself for a while, so that I can gain experience and capture inspiration. A year before I moved to Arizona I impulsively decided that I was going to see a tarot reader for fun. I had no idea how it all worked or what I was going to be getting myself into. When I got there and received my reading I was told that I was going to "make a big move soon" and that I was "meant to be a healer." The woman who gave me my reading also suggested I meditate with crystals to open my abilities more, and she also gave me a Rose Quartz crystal.

At that point in my life, I had no idea what crystals were or even knew how they worked. I did take her advice and I started meditating. I was listening to guided meditations and learning more about crystals, as well as learning about my likes and dislikes. My thought process was changing and progressing. I needed to move away from home and breathe new air, I needed to learn more about me without family and friends near me. I needed to find my truth. So I moved all the way to Arizona to be closer to the mountains. When I first got here I was taking everything in and I started mediating on the mountain and also smudging myself. I begin learning more about tarot cards, self-love, life, #magick, and most importantly myself.

I was doing a lot of #ShadowWork and the release of emotions felt amazing. Soon after a year of being there and working on myself, I felt a huge urge to share my stories and help others heal through the Earth. I began making smudge sticks with flowers. I thought that was a way to help give a gift to the world, but after a while I felt it wasn't enough. I wanted to do more. So I sat back and thought about things for a second. I first came up with a name I felt was essential to me and how I felt about myself, since my products and what I would have to offer were going to be birthed through me. I felt like my being is Ethereal and I also felt like I was birthed from Ra, so that is how #EtherealSOl came to life.

I have a genetic disorder called, non-classical CAH, and I wanted to find a natural way to heal myself from this without prescribed medicine. I knew that plants heals and proceeded to create tea blends for myself to figure out which one will work for me. I have yet to find something, but creating tea blends has allowed me to understand that it can heal a lot of things, so I wanted to create tea blends for everyone. I made tea blends, spiritual healing box and give messages from the universe to others through tarot and oracle readings. I also began coaching people through life, teaching them more about self-love. Like I said before I am an artist and I wanted my art business and soul-searching business to connect, but not connect where it will overlap one over the other. So as I was building myself as an artist, I came to realize that my passions were going to crash. Everything I create and share with the world is birthed from me. I feel as if my inner being is Luna and my outer layer is Sol, and Sol is projected a lot more - and that's how birth of sol came to life. #SOlStudio is my production company, including my photography, film work and poetry, while EtherealSOl is more so me helping others heal through Earth - so when you combine the two together you get Birth of SOl.

How do you incorporate your spiritual practices into your daily life for empowerment?

I am really huge on Self-love. It is something that I struggled with and still struggle with from time to time. That is why I started the Self-love challenges, because I was feeling down about myself and wasn't loving myself enough. If I don't practice loving myself everyday then it effects me tremendously. If I don't speak my positive affirmations at least once a week I start speaking negatively about myself, so it is important that I incorporate self-love practices and spiritual practices everyday. It keeps me grounded.

Being a multi-dimensional artist, how do your experiences fuel your creativity? What's your process from thought to manifestation?

I love story telling. Story telling is my ultimate goal with everything that I am doing. I want to be able to share my experiences with the world - or whoever it reaches. I want others to feel, to heal, and to love through what I project. I have visions of projects in my head, I can not tell you where they come from, but I see all my art visions in my head and I write down what I see. I create what I see. Most of the time my creativity comes from experiences and then sometimes I'm inspired by other art and other peoples stories. Once I have an idea, I plan it thoroughly and go out and shoot it right away. I create from experiences and if you take a deep look at what I put out, although its mainly metaphorically, you will be able to see the pain, hurt, struggle, and happiness that I've been through.

What stones can you just not live without? Your go - to daily gems ?

Rose Quartz and Clear Quartz. These stones go everywhere with me. I have rose #quartz in my car, clear quartz in my office also in my purse. I have a million of them both stashed everywhere.

What type of work do you do with your clients? How do you utilize your gifts to address root issues, especially if there is deep rooted trauma?

I do #spiritual healing; tarot readings, self-love coaching, & sacred smudge session. With all of those elements I try to uplift one's spirit. I pull the clients energy into the cards or into the sessions and I feel what they feel. My emotions can easily connect with someone and I try to use that as a tool. Their energy will determine how the session will go. I approach everything based off of their emotions and what the universe wants me to give them. I do a lot of this through conversation, energy, love, creating a sacred space, building trust.

How do you keep yourself grounded in the midst of everything you have to juggle daily?

*sigh* Motivation keeps me grounded. Motivation is the key to it all, especially when you have a lot that you are doing. I try to stay dedicated in everything that I do. Mediation, smudging, creating art, and balancing everything out helps me stay grounded. I need all of those things for my mental health.

Lastly, to all the women connecting into their power and learning rituals, etc. what is your advice to them and finding their own path?

I get this question a lot. I say it all starts from within, you have to want to move to a path of understanding your being -and your likes and dislikes. Learning you through your birth chart, and through meditation helps a lot. Changing the way you eat will really effect you as well. What you let enter inside of you is what projects on the outside. I do not eat animal by-products. Also doing what you feel is right for you and your sanity. For me I believe that all things from the earth heal you so I started studying crystals and plants.

You can support Zhane'l by visiting and following her on social media:

IG: @daughterofthe.sun

Twitter: @etherealsolcomp


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Image by Jessica Felicio


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